Actions to Take

  • Speak up. When you hear an antisemitic comment, call it out. Share resources from this page. Let people know that antisemitic comments and actions are never okay
  • Report any incident to the Anti-Defamation League and JCRC.
  • Seek out reliable information from credible sources to counteract false information.
  • Address specific issues in a conversation rather than argue.
  • Engage your schools, workplaces, and friends with JCRC’s educational offerings, including Student to Student, Holocaust Speakers Bureau, and teacher education. Make the connection –JCRC is happy to be your partner.
  • Organize opportunities for meetings between lay members of different faiths to discuss antisemitism and the persecution of other groups.
  • Create a discussion, study, or book group to learn more about antisemtism.
  • Avoid using anti-Jewish language or making references to Jewish stereotypes — even in jest.
  • Lobby public officials to take action and make statements against antisemitism.
  • Visit websites of human rights groups and organizations to keep current on antisemitic incidents and organized efforts to combat them.


Additional Resources

Definitions and Guides

Combatting Antiseimitism

Discussing Antisemitism with Your Family



American Jewish Committee

Anti-Defamation League

Combat Antisemitism Movement

Christians United for Israel

Foundation to Combat Antisemitism

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Jewish Federations of North America

Jewish People Policy Institute

Middle East Media Research Institute

Secure Communities Network

Stand With Us

World Jewish Congress