Tzedek Teens – Cooking Up Hope

The Hope Lodge 8030 Farnam Drive, Omaha, Ne

Join other Tzedek Teens as we spend some time volunteering at The Hope Lodge, which is part of The American Cancer Society. We will prepare and serve dinner for patients, enjoy games and fun activities together, and create art projects with patients and their families.

Beit Midrash

Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus 333 S. 132nd St., Omaha, NE

Embracing our desire to be together and learn together, this exciting Beit Midrash (house of study) gives all of Jewish Omaha the opportunity to engage in spirited and challenging cross-denominational study with local rabbis and cantors. During each Beit Midrash, a different clergy member from our community synagogues will select and present a pertinent topic […]

REGISTER Film & Friends – Programming for 55+

Alan J. Levine Performing Arts Theater 333 S. 132nd St., Omaha, NE

Jewish Family Service invites you to free monthly movie showings at the Alan J. Levine Performing Arts Theater at the JCC. March 21: “Field of Dreams” | 1 pm Concessions will be available for purchase. Register here!

Beit Midrash

Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus 333 S. 132nd St., Omaha, NE

Embracing our desire to be together and learn together, this exciting Beit Midrash (house of study) gives all of Jewish Omaha the opportunity to engage in spirited and challenging cross-denominational study with local rabbis and cantors. During each Beit Midrash, a different clergy member from our community synagogues will select and present a pertinent topic […]

Beit Midrash

Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus 333 S. 132nd St., Omaha, NE

Embracing our desire to be together and learn together, this exciting Beit Midrash (house of study) gives all of Jewish Omaha the opportunity to engage in spirited and challenging cross-denominational study with local rabbis and cantors. During each Beit Midrash, a different clergy member from our community synagogues will select and present a pertinent topic […]

Beit Midrash

Staenberg Kooper Fellman Campus 333 S. 132nd St., Omaha, NE

Embracing our desire to be together and learn together, this exciting Beit Midrash (house of study) gives all of Jewish Omaha the opportunity to engage in spirited and challenging cross-denominational study with local rabbis and cantors. During each Beit Midrash, a different clergy member from our community synagogues will select and present a pertinent topic […]